Transistor App Reviews

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Wonderfully stunning game

A wonderfully stunning game in its visuals and in its story telling. The game play will be familiar to many people who have played dungeon crawlers such as Diablo III and Gantlet. The story is very futuristic and compelling. There are a few innovative game play moves, such as when you can plan your movies ahead when hitting the space bar and kill multiple targets in one fluid move. I’m in love with the comic book like style of the game and it appeals to my old school gamer sensibilities and I feel if you love games like Diablo you will really like this game.

Interesting Game

Give the game a good chance at the beginning. The control scheme isn’t what you expect. I like the mechanic of pausing and planning your attacks - this makes the game alot less of a button masher and much more strategic.

the best

the best game ive ever played in my life. srs

A work of art

Do you like games that are so well made - they leave you speechless? This is one of them. It’s absolutely a work of art. Buy it. play it. love it.

Won’t run on Mac mini

App does not launch - I get continuous rainbow wheel. The only requirement listed at app store is: "Compatibility OS X 10.7.5 or later" I am running it on: Mac mini Late 2009 Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB Software OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)


I’ve been waiting for a game to play on my macbook and have been dissapointed thus far. I wish there were more games that were so playable on this glorius machine.

Not working with OSX 10. 7.5

Plays audio but the only video is a black box. Its an 8 year old iMac. If I needed a different video card they should have said so and I wouldnt have downloaded it.

Won’t even launch

Game locks up with “not responding” in the force quit menu after the initial loading screen. Have not been able to run it at all.

Had high hopes….UPDATED!!

but it locked up my computer, twice, to the point of shuting it down and restarting, not what I want to do… fix this and update my review. **************************************************** Update!!! I had issues with the start up, but after some work (force close the game, possible restart of my computer) this game is pretty cool!! Folks, try the things I did to see if this helps you guys to play this. I contacted support and they said run it in framless mode, never got that far. I had issues at the start because I was not using a mouse, USE A MOUSE PEOPLE! The game is so much better that way. I had origanlly gave this a one star, but have now taken it to a full 5. Well worth the $10. I eyeballed this game when it was just for the PS4, and was happy to see it come here.

A unique genre of all games

I’m currently playing this on my Macbook pro retina, with this game’s crisp colors I really have a stunning visual experience which I really love. The game its self is quiet unique and so far it really worths the price of $9.99, it’s simply Great, I thought at first that the controls could be annoying at some point But I was wrong, it’s smooth/easy and very responsive and that’s trully appreciative. I have only played around 10 minutes and quickley jumped over here to write a review because usually I’m very careful with what I buy, and this game was kind of a risk to spend on since I really dont like to be dissapointed with my purchases, however after checking few YoutTube videos it came to my mind I’d really want to experience and try out such a unique looking game, it’s nice to have it on my arsenal. If you love to experience something new for a change, then I’d suggest you to try out this game out most definitaly, especially since it has a limited price offer of $9.99.

So excited to play, however...

I was beyond excited to play this game but it freezes after the initial loading screen. System specs: Processor: 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory: 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB Software: OS X 10.9.5


I like that dark sci-fi atmosphere in symbiosis with beautiful soundtracks and comics art style. Its got some cool mechanics as well. The game leaves only stunning feels after first 10 minutes of playing. I’d just like to see some more cool moves like when you press “q” :). 5/5 anyway!

Love It.

From 0 to end all I can say is great game.

Awesome game from Bastion Makers

I am loving this game! Unique, interesting games are kind of hard to find on the Mac, and this runs great on my 13 inch macbook pro. The game itself is a blast, it’s got really fun naration similar to that in Bastion, and the combat/gameplay is fun and engaging

Excellent innovative gameplay

A true original and unique experience. In a sea of similar, I picked up this game and immediately enjoyed the creative battle system and theme which is a clever spin on an electronic world.

Does not work on brand new iMac 5K Retina :(

I hate leaving negative reviews and never have for any product on the apple store in my 5 years of using it, until now. This game on a brand new 5K retina iMac i7 with souped up memory, etc, can’t make it past the title screen without crashing to the point I can’t even call up the “force quit” screen. I have to shut my computer off physically, it reloads, and when I’m lucky the app restarts past the title screen and crashes from there so I can at least use my computer. I feel like I should be asking for my money back, which was actually $19.99 and not the $9.99 I see somehow posted in most positive reviews I’ve seen here. So somehow I’ve been charged double for something that does not work at all. I was a fan of Bastion but this is extremely disappointing to the point where I had to post my first one-star review in five years on the apple store.

Crashes on start

crashes at first loading screen forcing me to restart system. 10.9.3

One of the best sic-fi RPGs I’ve ever played

Transistor is unique in nature. I would say it’s an audiovisual masterpiece with a story line (and narration) that keeps you on the edge, glues you to the game and makes you explore pretty much everything the game has to offer! It is an amazing blend of the Diablo-style action RPG and a Final Fantasy-like turn based combat game, that invites you to a world that simply takes your breath away. You might need a little time to get used to the camera angles, however the moment you start the game you just happen to know how to control/play it intuitively. The best part of the game is that it forces you to adjust your strategy, to try out new combos, new approaches keeping it interesting and challanging all the way. As part ot the narration, the music plays a vital role in giving you an off the beaten path game experience. For a price of your favorite cocktail, it is a must have!

Great Game and Great Story

I have been waiting for this to come out on Mac and was so excited to see it in the App store. It did take me a bit to figure out the combat functions, but once I did it was really fun. Just like in Bastion, the story is a big part of the game. I really enjoyed this game and I can’t wait to see what else Supergiant comes out with.

Game Hangs on Load Screen

As a few other users have noted, this game seems to freeze after the load screen and is unplayable. Will modify review after an update fixes this issue.

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